And 6. The great multitude that no man can number.
My examination of the Bible has led me to an unshakable conviction that this refers to the worldwide network of apostates that will enter the Kingdom ahead of all unwise virgins who run out of oil.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
And 6. The great multitude that no man can number.
My examination of the Bible has led me to an unshakable conviction that this refers to the worldwide network of apostates that will enter the Kingdom ahead of all unwise virgins who run out of oil.
can a publisher "drop out" and still be in good standing?.
One of my experiences as a boy of 14 years old. (Names changed)
Tim was working on the correct use of notes. He finished giving the six minute talk, using verses from the Bible, to an audience of around a hundred. Picking up his Bible, he left the rostrum and returned to his seat. His father, Ron, who had been assigned as the school overseer, took the platform and swayed from side to side for a moment as he cleared his throat.
‘You have given an excellent talk. This is a fine example to other young people. It shows what can be achieved through training in the theocratic ministry school. You used your notes so well I was unaware you had any. Could you hold up your notes so we can see how few notes are needed, if they are used properly?’
Tim shook his head. ‘I don’t have any notes that I can hold up.’
Ron was exasperated. ‘No notes! How can I counsel you on use of notes if you don’t have any? You’re working on use of notes. You are supposed to have notes. You will have to work on use of notes again next time you give a talk. You have wasted our time today!’
Ron’s handkerchief was out as he mopped his eyes and swayed from side to side with more vigour than before. For a moment Tim felt sorry for his father, until he became aware of the shocked look on the faces of people in the audience. They were looking round to see how he had taken the counsel. The school overseer is not supposed to have a strop but counsel in a kind and tactful way. It seems that on this occasion Ron had lost his cool.
After the meeting a number of people approached Tim, to commend him and see if he was upset. Brother Game approached, smiling.
‘That was a fine talk Tim. It’s a shame about the lack of notes but you haven’t wasted anyone’s time. We always enjoy your talks. I hope this has not upset you. Next time you will have some notes,’ he added, nodding.
‘I did have notes,’ he replied.
Brother Game looked puzzled. ‘But you told your father that you didn’t have any notes.’
Tim raised both eyebrows. ‘No, I said I didn’t have any notes that I could hold up. I only had notes pencilled into the margin of my Bible, to cross- reference the next verse that I needed to go to.’
‘Oh dear Tim, why didn’t you tell your father that and avoid being told off in front of everybody?’
Tim looked at brother Game with a twinkle in his eye and replied dryly, ‘That would have spoilt all the fun!’
Brother Game looked at him for a moment as though he had misunderstood, and then the penny dropped. He started laughing. Chuckling to himself, he patted Tim on the back.
‘I have a feeling that you are going to be alright. Wait until my wife hears about this,’ he said as he walked away still laughing.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
People reading this thread may ask why we are making such a fuss about the Watchtower Society's ducking-and-diving over the Generation Game. It is because the Watchtower Society have always made a lot of noise about the importance of accurate pedictions. Foe example, in 1972, the Society, eager to accuse others of false prophecy made the following statement. Their own words, intended to apply to others, sum up their own failings with startling accuracy:
Jehovah the God of the true prophets will put all false prophets to shame either by not fulfilling the false prediction of self-assuming prophets or by having his own prophecies fulfilled in a way opposite to that predicted by false prophets. False prophets will try to hide their reasons for feeling shame by denying who they really are. They will try to avoid being killed or pronounced spiritually dead by Jehovah’s loyal worshippers… they would place love of God and his inspired word above all personal friendships with fleshy relatives or associates.
Paradise Restored to Mankind byTheocracy- pages 353,354
Yes! These really are the Watchtower Society’s own words. Many loyal and sometimes high-ranking Jehovah's Witnesses have concluded that the Watchtower Society shows all the signs of a false prophet. Their conscience has moved them to leave the organization and their relatives, friends and associates. They were prepared to pay a price to stand up for truth, as men and women throughout history have done. The price of freedom and truth can be high But what price is to be paid for denying truth?
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
Stand for Pure Worship The purpose of examining the Watchtower Society's explanations as to why their predictions failed has little to do with serving with a date in mind. The Watchtower Society's has taken it upon itself to claim that it is the sole channel of communication between mankind and Jehovah.
The Watchtower Society's failure to accurately explain the meaning of Jesus’ words, reflect badly not just on them but also on their God Jehovah. Either Jehovah has failed to communicate with the Watchtower Society or the Watchtower Society are frauds.
We live in a world where imperfect humans can send totally accurate communication around the world in seconds. Is the God of the universe is incapable of communicating with humans, even with the help of the Watchtower Society? In your opinion who has failed, the Watchtower Society or Jehovah?
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
Thank you all for your comments and enthusiasm to disscus this worn out subject once more. I put it out there again because there will be young Jehovah's Witnesses with doubts looking at this site, who have not given this matter much thought or looked at the promises the Watchtower Society made for several generations. I have my doubts about the authenticity of the Bible but as it is an absolute authority to Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower Society has to show respect for scripture. This means accurately representing the intention of Jesus’ words.
Jesus, having condemned the Scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy and treatment of the prophets, Jesus went on to speak of the destruction of Jerusalem. He was talking to the Scribes and Pharisees and telling them they would pay for the wrong they had done with their lives.
Truly I say to you. All these things will come upon this generation. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets… Matthew 23:36, 37 - New World Translation
Jesus then left them and was approached by his disciples who asked him to look at the temple buildings with them. Jesus was asked by them when the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of their temple would be. He then gave a detailed description of the events leading up to this. Jesus then repeated his statement concerning the generation then living to his disciples:
I tell you this: this present generation will live to see it all.
Matthew24:34- The New English Bible
Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all things occur.
Matthew24:34- New World Translation
Any Jehovah's Witnesse looking at the comments and quotes on this thread owes it to themself to carry out an independent examination of the - This Generation Fiasco.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
Sir82 Lots of threads on this topic already.
This is true, it is an old subject:
If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfilment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfil any career that this system offers.
Awake! May 22 1969 - page 15
What amazes me is that, instead of the Bethel boys letting the subject die a death, they have made the subject a study article for 2014.
They keep the subject current by picking over the bones of the dead anointed remnant.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!
The Watchtower 15 June 2010 - page 5
The cornerstone teaching that had, for more than a hundred years, predicted the end of the present world within the lifetime of those who witnessed the 1914 world war is now obsolete. The generation with the earthly hope had expected to live long enough to enter the new world and cheat death. Those belonging to the ‘little flock’ with a heavenly calling had been promised they would receive their reward within their lifetime.
Beaten by the passage of time the Watchtower Society has been forced to move the date for the battle of Armageddon on - indefinitely. Now the ordinary members are to take comfort in believing that the younger anointed contemporaries, will carry the baton - to infinity and beyond.
You couldn't make it up - but, thank god, the Watchtower Society are at your service to make it up for you.
january 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
January 2014 Watchtower study article. “Let Your Kingdom Come”—But When?
14-16. What is a third reason for believing that God’s Kingdom will “come” soon?
14 There is yet a third reason for confidence. What has developed among God’s people points to the nearness of the end. For example, prior to the establishment of God’s Kingdom in heaven, a group of faithful anointed ones were actively serving God. When some of their expectations about what would happen in 1914 did not come about, what did they do? Most of them proved their integrity under trials and persecution and kept right on serving Jehovah. Over the years, most—if not all—of those anointed ones have faithfully completed their earthly course.
15 In his detailed prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things, Jesus said: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” (Read Matthew 24:33-35.) We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year.—Rom. 8:14-17.
16 The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years. Yet, Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of “this generation will by no means pass away” before seeing the start of the great tribulation. This should add to our conviction that little time remains before the King of God’s Kingdom acts to destroy the wicked and usher in a righteous new world.—2 Pet. 3:13.
"little time remains"
Don't it make ya feel warm all over.
i was thinking the other day, why did it take so long for god to have a special people, namely the nation of israel.. and when he did choose his people, it's as if god ignored every other culture and nation on earth only to focus on abraham, isaac and there descendants.. there was no way of learning about the one true god in those days unless you lived near the borders of the israelite nation.. if you read the minor prophet books of the bible, it seems as if god is addressing the whole world, when in reality, people living in other countries at the time would have no idea of these "universal proclamations".
why did god not give guidance to these other societies?.
truthseeker May I ask why you believe - it took so long for God to have a special people, namely the nation of Israel? And when he did choose his people, it's as if God ignored every other culture and nation on Earth only to focus on Abraham, Isaac and there descendants.
Why not adopt one of the many other gods on offer? They are, on the whole, easier to apease and less demanding than the Hebrew desert god. A number of them also precede him.
adamah I stated that the tactic of burying one's head in the sand - doesn’t even work for the poorly evolved ostrich.
Thank you for comments, but if you are going to start using big words like 'anthromorphization' I shall head for the sandpit.